bhopal nair Samaj
(Regd. Registration No. 11340 of 21.06.1982 under the Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973 )
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Welcome to Bhopal Nair Samaj

Under the leadership of Sri. Mannathu Padmanabhan and the other 13 Founders had given the shape of the N.S.S. by taking an Oath that "I will incessantly think and make efforts for the progress of the Nair Community. But in those efforts will do nothing to provocate the other Communities"

About NSS
The Nair Service Society, a synonym for selfless service and social commitment was founded by the late Sri.M
Aim & Objectives
Create and provide such fields and opportunities for religious, socio cultural and extra curricular activiti
NSS Bhopal
First meeting of Bhopal Nair Samaj held at Deepika Park on 27.10.1981 the day of Deepawali, 27 Nair's atten
bhopal nair Samaj
(Regd. Registration No. 11340 of 21.06.1982 under the Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973 )
Mannam Bhawan", BNS Auditorium, Khajuri Kalan Road,Piplani.P.O, Bhopal-462021 (M.P)